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Veritas Detective Agency

This is a project for a local start-up detective service. The front end uses HTML5, CSS3, bootstrap, jquery, and JavaScript. The site is hosted by and back end framework (DynamoDB, Lambda, Serverless, API Gateway, Certificate Manager, Route55, IAM) uses Amazon Web Service (AWS). Corporate email was set up through G-Suite and GMAIL.

Application GitHub
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Grocer Easy

This application was designed to give users access information to their local farmers markets locations, operating hours, and inventories. Additional technologies used were the Google Geo-Location API, ZIP Code API, mySQL DB, Mustard UI.

Application GitHub
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Employee Finder

Application designed in a "" format where users would fill out a small questionaire and the result would be their ideal office co-worker. Tools used: Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3, mySQL, JavaScript, and jQuery.

Application GitHub
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Universal Passport

Disney'esque application to allow users to access their passport by facial-recognition technology and laguage translation software. Additional technologies used in this was the Face++ API, CORS Anywhere, and Fun Translations API.

Application GitHub
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Burdell Emporium

A sample e-commerce storefront using a mySQL DB with a nod to the mythical Georgia Tech student, George P. Burdell. Tools used: Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, mySQL, Sequelize.

Application GitHub
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An application that will post "thank you" notes or "Kudos" to fellow encourage users. Database used in this example is NoSQL (MongoDB). Tools used: Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, MONGO DB, and Mongoose.

Application GitHub
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This application will allow you to connect with other users based on questions you create and answers they provide. Database used in this example is MongoDB.

Application GitHub
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Business Cards

A sample front-end business card application using AngularJS and Bootstrap.The site uses XML data converted to JSON and two different views to display the data.

Application GitHub